Why is comfrey so good?
By now you probably heard about comfrey and the use in the garden. We love growing this hardy perennial. It grows quickly and easily, has beautiful flowers, and best of all, it provide us with a completely free nutrient-rich source of fertiliser which can be used all season long.
Comfrey has a deep taproot and a large root system. With this, comfrey is able to pull nutrients from the subsoil that most other plants can't reach.
The plant has 3 major nutrients and high levels of calcium.
Nitrogen - Needed for green leaf growth.
Phosphorus - Plants requires this to remain vigorous and fight of disease and pests.
Potassium - This nutrient is instrumental in flower and fruit production.
Comfrey uses
Since Greek and Roman times, comfrey was used to stop heavy bleeding, treat bronchial problems and heal wounds.
Take the fresh comfrey leaves, brush them together to remove the hairs. Wrap them around the wound and apply light pressure. This will stop the bleeding, reduce the pain and assist with wound healing. Comfrey is also known as knit-bone, a reference to its capacity to aid in the healing of bones.
The plant is excellent for producing mulch and can be cut back 2 - 5 times per year. The plant will grow better after every harvest. With its deep tap root comfrey can go down 2m to the deep subsoil, collecting nutrients that would be washed away. When we harvest the leaves and apply them to the soil the mined minerals are returned again and made accessible to shallower rooted crops. Comfrey can be used in the compost heap. The leaves help break down compost very quickly. Its high mineral content enters your compost as the plant decomposes.
Beneficial insects
The flowers provide nectar and pollen to many species of bees and other insects. Lacewings like to lay their eggs on comfrey. Wasps and spiders will hunt on and around comfrey.
Comfrey makes a fantastic liquid fertilizer that can enhance plant growth, bloom, fruiting and resistance to parasites and diseases. When harvesting the leaves, add them to a 25L air tight container. Fill the container with water. Place a brick on the leaves to keep the leaves covered. Close the container. Let it stand for 4 - 6 weeks until the leaves have broken down and the tea is dark brown. The longer, the better because you want to extract all of the nutrients from the leaves. This fertilizing tea can be used as a soil drench or a foliar spray. When you use the tea, dilute it at one part tea to 10 part water. Diluting is very important. If you do not dilute the tea, you may burn your plants. For a more balanced feed, you can also combine comfrey and nettles to make a liquid tea which is an excellent option for many more plants.